Sunday, January 30, 2011

Eleven would be better...

"Actually, Ravana should have had eleven heads. Then his body would be attached to the centre head..."
That was how my daughter responded to my question, "To which head do you think Ravana's body was attached?" She took a minute to think and laughed after saying, 'fifth, no sixth' and then came up with the optimum number of heads.


Balu said...

Ha aha After reading this I googled to actually see, to which head is his body attached, found nice varieties, try it out.

Now ask the young lady it's through which head he thinks. Probably she would say except the center, others would be empty. or all empty.

Unknown said...

Oh dear ...

I should make it a point to ask the same question to much older folks ...


prema -just sharing my thoughts said...

good for u abhi.....