What happens then? Well no one knows for sure; but scientists attempt to answer that.
Sixty symbols is a collections of videos on physics presented by experts from the University of Nottingham.
It is enriching to see scientists answer questions which are put forth by 'the common man' and it is revealing when they smile and say 'I don't know' to some questions. But then they proceed to think and come up with some interesting possibilities. The presentation is endearing and elegant. An excellent project.
One more video to entice you to visit the website. Enjoy.
i could not help but read about Marcus Chown after you had mentioned him in ur blog. I got here:
As you said, I was intrigued by the number of "i Dont Knows" from the scientists.
As if something triggered their brains that did not ponder about the questions and now come up with numerous possibilities.
the videos are too good.
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